


頻次 : QD, BID, TID, QID , QOD, HS, QH.PRN , S.O.S,
針劑用法 : IM, IV bolus., IV infusion, SC., IVD
劑型 : suppos. syrup. tab. cap. pulv. powder. ointment, cream. elixier .. liq .amp.vial inhal garg. lot. sol, tinct, TPN

使用時間 : AC,PC,STAT
單位 : mg. ml.ug. gm. dl. gtt. ud. cc gr,
其他: dil. sig. Aq dos. dim. dsp. div.

per os(P.O,by mouth[口服]
•by rectum[直腸灌注]
•quaque die (qd)[一天1次]
•bis in die(bid)[一天2次]
•ter in die (tid)[一天3次]
•quater in die (qid)[一天4次]
•quaque hora (qh)[每小時1次]
•quaque quarta hora(q4h)[每4小時1次]
•quaque nocte (qn)[每晚1次]
•quaque mane (qm)[每晨1次]
•ante cibum(ac)[飯前(給藥)]
•post cibum (pc)[飯後(給藥)]
•hora somni (hs)[臨睡時]
•pro re nata (prn)[必要時]
•si opus sit (sos)[必要時只用1次]
•ante meridiem (am)[上午]
•post meridiem (pm)[下午]
•statim (st)[即刻]

縮寫 字或句 字義
aa or a ana 每一,各一
abs.feb. absente febre 無燒(熱)
ad ad 加到
add. adde 加入
ad.feb. abstante febre 有燒(熱)
adhib adhibendus 被給
ad.lib. ad libitum 任意
admov. admove 施以
ad part. dolent. ad partes dolentes 用於痛處
agit. agita 搖幌,攪拌
alb. albus 白色
altr alter 其他
alt.hor. alternis horis 每隔一小時
ante cib.or A.C. ante cibum 飯前
aq. bull. aqua bulliens 開水
aq. dest. aqua destillata 蒸餾水
aq. font. aqua fontis 泉水
aq. pur. aqua pura 純水
aut aut 或者
bene bee 好
b.i.d bis in die 每天兩次
bib. bibe 飲
bis bis 兩次
bol. bolus 大藥丸(片)
bull. bulliat 使煮
c cum 與......一起
cap. capsula 膠囊
chart.or cht. Chartula 醫用紙張
coch. mag. cochleare magnum 一湯匙
coch. med. cochleare medium 一茶匙
coch. parv. cochleare parvum 一茶匙
collyr. collyrium 洗眼
commisce commisce 混合
comp. Compositus 由......混合
cong. Congius 加侖
cont. rem. continuantur remedia 繼續藥療
cotula cotula 測量
cras mane sum cras mane sumendus 明早服用
cuj. lib. cujus libet 如你所願
d., det. da, detur 給,被給
d. d. in d. de die in diem 一天天的
dec. decanta 倒掉
dent. tal. dos. dentur tales doses 給如劑量
dexter dexter 右
dieb. alt. diebus alternis 每隔一天
dieb. tert. diebus tertiis 每三天
dil. dilue, dilutus 稀釋
dim. dimidisu 一半
div. divide 分開
div. in p. aeq. dividatur in partes aequales 分成等份
donec alv. sol. ft. donec alvus soluta fuerit 通便時
dos. dosis 劑量
dur. dolor. durante dolore 當痛持續時
e. m. p. ex modo prescripto 如所指示
emp. emplastrum 石膏
emuls. emulsio 乳劑
en. enema 灌腸
epistom. epistomium 抑止器
ext. extende 撒佈
febris febris 燒(熱)
ferv. fervens 煮
filt. filtra 過濾
garg. gargarisma 漱口
grad. gradatim 漸漸的
gr. granum 英厘(grain)
gtt. gutta, guttae 一滴,成滴的
guttat. guttatim 一滴滴的
h. hora 一小時
hor. decub. hora decubitus 睡時
hor. som. or h. s. hora somni 睡時
hor.1 spat. orae unius spatio 一小時的時間
idem idem 同樣
ind. indies 每天的
int. intime 澈底的
lin. linimentum 擦劑
liq. liquor 溶液
lot. lotio 乳液(擦劑)
M. misce 混合
mac. macera 潮濕
man. prim. mane primo 早晨第一件事
mas. massa 硬塊
med. medicamentum 藥療
m. et n. mane et nocte 晨與昏
mitt. mitte 送
mitt. x tal. mitte decem tales 送十次
mod. modicus 中等大
moll. mollis 軟的
mor. dict. more dicto 如所囑方式
mor. sol. more solito 如所習慣
no. numerus 數目
noct. maneq. nocte maneque 夜間與早晨
non. rep., n. r. non repetatur 不可再重覆
nunc nunc 現在
o. octarius 一品脫
O.D. oculus dexter 右眼
O.L. oculus laevus 左眼
omn. bih. omni bihoris 每二小時
omn. hor. omni hora 每小時
om. 1/4h. omni quadrantae horae 每15分鐘
om. mane vel. noc. omni mane vel nocte 每天早或晚
part. vic. partitus vicibus 分開之劑量
p. c. post cibum 餐後
pil. Pilula 一顆藥片
p. p. a. phiala prius agitata 瓶子先搖
p. r. n. pro re nata 視情況而定
pro. rat. aet. pro ratione aetatis 按病人年齡
pulv. Pulvis 粉末
q. h. quaque hora 每小時
q. l. quantum libet 量如所願
q. s. quantum sufficiat 盡足量
quotid. quotidie 每天
repetat., rep. repetatur 再重覆
rub. ruber 紅色
sec. a., or s. a. secundem artem 按藝術
semih. semihora 每半小時
sig. signa 寫
sing. singulorum 每一
sol. solutio 溶液
s. o. s. si opus sit 如有所需
solv. solve 溶化
ss. semi or semisse 一半
stat. statim 立刻
st. stet or stetem 靜置不動
subind. subinde 時常
sum. sume 取
suppos. suppositoria 坐藥,塞劑
tab. tabella 片劑
tere tere 擦
tere bene tere bene 仔細擦
t. i. d. ter in die 每天三次
tinct. tinctura 酊劑
trit. tritura 磨醉
ult. praes. ultimus praescriptus 上次所囑
ung. unguentum 油膏
ad =加至 (a.d.=aurio dextra=right ear=右耳)
c =with=和;以
cc =毫升
D5W =5%葡萄糖注射液
D5NS = D5W in 0.9% saline
d.t.d=denture tales dose=給予等劑量

mitte=modo dictum=給予這個劑量
non rep.=non repetatur=不可重複
q.o.d.=every other day=每隔一天
q.s.=quantum satis=適量

s.o.s.=si opus sit=如需要時;必要時


OOD : Lens Neutralization

Sphere Neutralization:
with a cross target image, lens moving along the power meridian,
 - if minus is the power, "with" movement is observed;
 - otherwise; "against" movement observed.
Note that only the line oriented perpendicular to the lens movement shows movement.

Cylinder Neutralization:
with a cross target image, lens being rotated at a certain direction,
 - if minus is the cylindrical power at a certain axis, the image of the line along the axis shows "with" rotation;
 - if plus is the cylindrical power at a certain axis, the image of the line along the axis shows "against" rotation.

Pick a "Reference Line", observe the image of the "Reference Line" along which the axis of the interested cylindrical power orients.
Both displacement & rotation of the lens give the same "generalised" observation:
 - if minus is the power, "with" movement is observed;
 - otherwise; "against" movement observed.
Spherical lens can be considered as cylindrical lens with identical cylindrical powers along different meridian.


Refraction Procedure


retinoscope setting: diverging beam ( not pushed down )

fog both eyes to strat off ( both eyes show against movement )

for each eye
 operation rule:
 when with movement is observed: add +ve lens
 when against movement is observed: add -ve lens

 follow the reflex to determine axis

 sphere end point:
 neutral in one meridian; against movement in another meridian

 add -ve cylindrical lens to neutralize the remaining meridian

check VA, expect >6/12


Subjective Refraction:

occlude the other eye

initial sphere: ask patient to compare two given lens for certain times to establish initial sphere

duochrome test: on green ( ensure a liitle over-minus to proceed to JCC )

 establish axis:
 1. add -0.25 cyl if there is no cyl from retinoscopy
 2. JCC arrow not pointing "P"
 3. "better 1, beeter 2", allowing sufficient time for comparison
 4. turn axis towards red dot accordingly
 5. end point: unable to distinguish

 determine cyl power:
 1. JCC arrow pointing "P"
 2. "better 1, beeter 2", allowing sufficient time for comparison
 3. acceptance: red dot aligning with axis; rejection: white dot aligning with axis
  3.1 acceptance: add -0.25 cyl; rejection: take away -0.25 cyl
  3.2 "2:1 ratio": add +0.25 sphere for every additional -0.5 cyl; take away added sphere for regression
 4. end point: unable to distinguish

 refine axis:
 1. JCC arrow not pointing "P"
 2. "better 1, beeter 2", allowing sufficient time for comparison
 3. turn axis towards red dot accordingly
 4. end point: unable to distinguish

final sphere & MPMVA: ask patient to compare two given lens for certain times; more +ve lens perferred

+1.00D blur: add +1.00DS, see if patient's VA drops to 6/12 or worse; add -0.25DS repeatedly until best VA

duochrome test: equality or on red ( ensure no over-minus )


firefox cache to RamDisk on Ubuntu

browser.cache.disk.parent_directory /dev/shm

browser.cache.disk.enable true